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How to Configure and Use SpamAssassin in cPanel

SpamAssassin is an open-source spam filter that can be configured within cPanel to help reduce the amount of spam emails your inbox receives. In this guide, we will cover the steps to configure and use SpamAssassin in cPanel effectively.

What is SpamAssassin?

SpamAssassin is a powerful mail filter that uses a variety of spam detection techniques, including text analysis, Bayesian filtering, DNS blocklists, and collaborative filtering databases. It is highly configurable and integrates easily with cPanel.

Why Use SpamAssassin?

Using SpamAssassin helps you:

  • Reduce the amount of spam emails reaching your inbox.
  • Improve email security by identifying and filtering potential threats.
  • Customize spam filtering settings to suit your specific needs.

How to Enable SpamAssassin in cPanel

Follow these steps to enable SpamAssassin in your cPanel account:

  1. Log in to your cPanel account.
  2. In the "Email" section, click on "Spam Filters".
  3. Click on the "Enable SpamAssassin" button.

Once SpamAssassin is enabled, you will see additional configuration options.

Configuring SpamAssassin

After enabling SpamAssassin, you can configure it to better suit your needs. Here are some key settings to consider:

Spam Threshold Score

The spam threshold score determines how aggressive SpamAssassin is in classifying emails as spam. The default score is 5. Lowering this score will increase the number of emails marked as spam, while raising it will decrease the number.

To change the spam threshold score:
1. In the "Spam Filters" section, click on "Configure SpamAssassin".
2. Set the desired spam threshold score.
3. Click "Update Settings".

Auto-Delete Spam

You can configure SpamAssassin to automatically delete emails that exceed a certain spam score threshold. This can help keep your inbox clean by removing obvious spam.

To enable auto-delete:
1. In the "Spam Filters" section, toggle the "Auto-Delete Spam" option.
2. Set the spam score threshold for auto-deletion.
3. Click "Update Settings".

Customizing SpamAssassin Rules

Advanced users can customize SpamAssassin rules to fine-tune spam detection. This involves editing configuration files and can be done via SSH or cPanel’s file manager.

Using SpamAssassin with Email Accounts

SpamAssassin filters incoming emails for all email accounts under your cPanel account. To ensure optimal performance, you may want to adjust individual email account settings to work best with SpamAssassin.

Whitelist and Blacklist Management

You can create whitelists and blacklists to allow or block specific email addresses or domains. This helps in fine-tuning the spam filtering process.

To manage whitelists and blacklists:
1. In the "Spam Filters" section, click on "Additional Configurations (For Advanced Users)".
2. Add email addresses or domains to the "Whitelist From" or "Blacklist From" fields.
3. Click "Update Settings".

Monitoring SpamAssassin Activity

It’s important to monitor SpamAssassin’s activity to ensure it’s working effectively. Check your spam folder regularly to verify that legitimate emails are not being marked as spam.

You can also review SpamAssassin logs to understand how it’s filtering emails. Logs can be accessed via the cPanel file manager or SSH.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

If you encounter issues with SpamAssassin, here are some common troubleshooting steps:

  • Ensure that SpamAssassin is enabled and properly configured.
  • Check that your spam threshold score is set appropriately.
  • Review whitelist and blacklist entries for any incorrect entries.
  • Consult the SpamAssassin documentation for advanced troubleshooting tips.


SpamAssassin is a valuable tool for managing and reducing spam emails in your inbox. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can configure and use SpamAssassin effectively in cPanel. For more detailed information, refer to the official cPanel documentation and the SpamAssassin documentation.

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